Choices and decisions

«The choice-obsessed modern West is probably more accommadating to individuals who choose to eat differently than any culture has ever been, but ironically, the utterly unselective omnivore – «I’m easy; I’ll eat anything» – can appear more socially sensitive than the individual who tries to eat in a way that is good for society. Food choices are determined by many factors, but reason (even consciousness) is not generally high on the list.

There is something about eating animals that tends to polarize: never eat them or never sincerely question eating them; become an activist or disdain activists. These opposing positions – and the closely related unwillingness to take a position – converge in suggesting that eating animals matters.» Jonathan Safran Foer. Eating Animals. Boston: Back Bay Books, 2009

RSA Animate: The Paradox of Choice by Professor Renata Salecl

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